Thursday, August 2, 2007

Lit Review 4

Title: Current Research on the social and emotional development of gifted and talented students: Good news and future possibilities
Author: Sally Reis and Joseph Renzulli
Author's Purpose for writing: To examine the current research regarding GT students and discuss the future
Methodology: Case studies
Who is being studied: students identified as gifted and talented
How the author collected information: in-depth interviews
Academic supports that teachers can offer students in the classroom include:
compacting curriculum to avoid wasting time teaching children what they already know
differentiating and extending what is taught to accommodate varied pacing and levels of development
accelerating instruction
using high interest content and hands-on activities to create high engagement and creativity

Areas of psychological vulnerability for GT students include perfectionism and underachievement

Successful interventions include:
support and encouragement of accelerative learning experiences
time to learn with others of similar abilities, interests and motivations
engagement in areas of interest with a variety of peers
mentoring and pragmatic coaching to cope with stress and criticism
early presentation of career information
social-emotional curriculum approaches to help gifted students support one another

Bibliotherapy and Cinematherapy--reading and watching the lives of successful gifted people may be helpful

Teachers can model kindesss, caring, concern in class
maintain high academic and behavior standards
give positive feedback
prevent affective curriculum in areas of conflict resolution, decision-making and leadership
build educational experiences around student interests

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